Smoked Salmon and Horseradish Rolls
This is a super easy canapé. The recipe below makes loads; but of course you can make less. However, it does freeze brilliantly, so perfect for getting ahead for Christmas entertaining, or any entertaining.

Ingredients - makes approximately 50 depending on size
300g smoked salmon
150ml double cream
2 tbs hot creamed horseradish
2 tsp lemon juice
To serve (optional):
Rye bread, cut into circles to match the smoked salmon rolls
Whip the cream until thickening and just holding its shape. Briefly whip in the hot creamed horseradish and the lemon juice. Season with freshly ground black pepper and salt to taste.
Spoon the horseradish cream into a plastic piping bag.
Lay a piece of cling film out on a chopping board.
Arrange a thinly cut smoked salmon slice in a neat rectangle, patching where necessary, (approximately 5cm x 12cm) on top of the cling film.
Cut the end off the piping bag and pipe a thick row of horseradish cream down the long side of the smoked salmon rectangle, allowing a margin.
Use the cling film to roll up the smoked salmon roll. Twist the ends of the cling film to secure and chill or freeze on a flat surface.
Repeat with the rest of the smoked salmon.
Remove from the freezer an hour before serving. Cut the rolls into 6/8 even slices while still firm.
Serve the rolls as they are or on circles of rye bread. They will keep in the fridge for several hours.
