Croissants with smoked salmon
The idea for this clever way of serving smoked salmon comes from the lovely Terry, who many will know from the Canapease classes. There are lots of variations of the full size version but this is a brilliant way of putting a new spin on an old favourite canapé. These keep well in the fridge, are easy to put together and most importantly, taste very delicious.

Ingredients- makes 12
2 mini croissants (cooked if frozen - mine were from Waitrose and were frozen)
25-30g smoked salmon
2 tbs cream cheese
Cucumber slices, thinly cut
Zest of 1 lime
Cut the croissant in half horizontally and then cut as many bite size triangles as possible out of each piece. I managed 3 or 4 out of each half. Tidy up the triangles, gently pulling out any excess layers if necessary (in the quest for minimum waste, these are quite nice to eat as you go along).
Spread each piece with cream cheese, completely covering the top. Grate some lime zest over the cream cheese and place a piece of cucumber on top. Next a piece of smoked salmon and finish with another grating of lime zest. Season with a little salt before serving.
These keep very well in the fridge overnight, but take out of the fridge for an hour or so before needed and add the final topping of lime zest and season before serving.
Don’t forget to squeeze the lime juice and freeze it in ice cube trays for another use (see notes).