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Asparagus with basil and truffle mayo

This, the final asparagus recipe for the time being, can be as easy as you choose, it's really all about the delicious asparagus and the presentation. Make your own mayonnaise or use good ready made varieties. Just add a few drops of pesto or even food colouring if you can't make or buy basil mayonnaise. Truffle mayonnaise can be found on line at The Truffle Hunter.


2 bunches asparagus

Mayonnaise, flavoured or plain

To make the basil or truffle mayonnaise:


2 large egg yolks

1 tbsp lemon juice

0.5 tsp Dijon mustard

100 ml mild oil such as grapeseed

50 ml basil oil or truffle oil (available from many supermarkets or The Truffle Hunter)

Seasoning to taste


Beat 2 egg yolks with 1 tbsp lemon juice and 0.5 tsp Dijon mustard. Very slowly drip in the mild oil while continuing to beat. As the mayonnaise starts to thicken, the oil can be added more quickly. Continue beating and add the basil or truffle oil. If the mayonnaise is too thick, beat in a tablespoon or so of warm water.

To cook the asparagus: wash and trim the spears to approximately 10 cms (depends on size of glasses used). Steam the spears for 1-2 minutes. Plunge into icy water. They need to be just cooked so they still can stand straight. Dry carefully.

Fill the shot glasses about one third of the way up with the flavoured mayonnaise. They can be kept covered in the fridge for several hours like this. Bring to room temperature to serve and put one or two cooked asparagus in each glass.

For a starter simply use a slightly larger glass, more mayo and more asparagus.

Ingredients for basil oil

50g fresh basil

250 ml mild oil


Blanch basil by putting it into boiling water for 10 seconds and then plunge it into icy water. Drain and gently squeeze dry in kitchen towel. Put the basil in a food processor or liquidiser and chop. Add the oil and liquidise further. Pour the oil through a fine sieve, preferably lined with a piece of muslin. Store for up to a week in the fridge.

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